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Village Seeds
Village Seeds is a platform for sharing crucial design elements and resources for building, living together in, and duplicating regenerative-culture villages.
This is the latest, most efficient and effective set of tools, distinctions, procedures, and designs that we know of. Please let us know if you have resources we do not know about so that we can share them with others!
Once the Village Seeds sprout in you as upgraded thoughtware, you can go anywhere in the world and create a Team that already lives in a regenerative-culture village or nanonation.
Using Village Seeds is straightforward. The world and your future wait for you to begin:
- Gather your first Village Seeds in a 3Cell: your core Team of 3 people who carry same-context regenerative-culture village memes.
- Study your Thoughtware: your Village design already exists in your hearts and souls, but it needs to be expressed in your Village Codex, Purpose, Bright Principles, and Values.
- Prepare Your Selves: you become good soil when it becomes clear that Inner Permaculture + Outer Permaculture = Whole Permaculture
- Plant your Seeds: deliver memetic upgrade Trainings for the resonant interested people who come around.
- Tend your gardens: a life of practice deepens the roots for new Village Builders as they grow.
- Release your new Village Seeds to go out and make new villages.
A Village Is A Gameworld
if you do not know that a Village is a 'gameworld' then you will not use gameworld-building technologies to build or rebuild your Village
Gameworld Theory
We human beings interact with each other through 'gameworlds' which we have constructed out of nothing and which we have agreed to play in together. Checkers, soccer, school, religion, towns, politics, government, money, insurance, property ownership, rent, taxes, driving licenses, banks, loans, credit cards, phone contracts, the grocery store, the post office, etc. etc. etc. are all gameworlds we have created out of nothing. A village is a gameworld.
It can be shocking to discover that the quality of your daily life is determined by the gameworlds you participate in. It can be equally shocking to realize that no one ever told you what a 'gameworld' is.
Learning to detect, design, redesign, inhabit, create and destroy gameworlds can be a signitificant turning point in your agency to do what you came here to do in your life.
Gameworld Builder
Gameworlds are characterized by having a context, distinctions, thoughtware, and rules of engagement written in a Codex.
We were not taught about our power to create and modify gameworlds because the gameworlds try to protect themselves from being changed. That time is over. The secret is out.
To gain practical experience using distinctions about gameworlds, do the experiments in these three S.P.A.R.K.s:
Spark-057-en: A problem signals the start of the next gameworld.
Spark-146-en: Either you consciously design each gameworld you live in or you are a pawn in someone else’s gameworld.
Spark-170-en: You may fear archetypal love because it leaves civilization behind as a stupid gameworld.
Gaian Gameworlds
More and more modern culture gameworlds realize that their actions contribute to the annihilation of life on Earth. They are ready to shift from a hierarchical structure to a toroidal structure. They are ready to shift from material value to nonmaterial value economics. They are ready to shift from child level responsibility to radical responsibility.
But who can consult them? Don't be surprised if the answer is: you.
If you can make a distinction that the organization cannot, they become your client.
Gameworld Traditions
The Traditions of your gameworld energetically feed you and your Teams in 5 Bodies. They do not have to be familiar or reasonable. You find your gameworld Traditions organically. They emerge out of Necessity to acknowledge or celebrate or practice in certain domains. Your gameworld thrives through its Traditions. Be clear about the Context of your Traditions, and share them with others as High Level Fun.
Gaian Gameworlds
Some villages are Gaian Gameworlds, villages that feed and nurture Gaia, rather than feeding off Her as a parasite.
Being able to build and consult others how to build Gaian Gameworld Villages could be the most important service of our time.
Are you up for it? Then please begin. Gaia is ready to celebrate you inventing next culture - Archiarchy.
A Village Is A Tribe
if you do not know that a Village is a Tribe then you will not use Tribe-building technologies to build your Village
PM Village Maker
Modern culture citizens live in cities. Patriarchal institutions design the physical, energetic, emotional and intellectual environment of cities in order to fulfill the purpose of ever-increasing material value production and profit. City-dwellers sacrifice their ability to Consciously Feel, Choose, Ask, and Declare in exchange for 'enough money to live'. Cities are breeding grounds for Zombies.
The morphogenetic field of cities is saturated with already obslete patriarchal, capitalist and colonialist thoughtware. Village Making happens beyond the edge of modern culture.
Villaging exits the survivalism of city-dwelling and centers your interactions on living in the company of other Path-walkers.
Archiarchy Villaging creates Gaian Gameworlds which you bring to life by collaborating so that you win, so that the others who are Villaging with you win, and so that the elegance, beauty, and evolutionary sophistication of 'the Village' itself wins (including Gaia...) in a mutually-empowering Torus, circulating around Edgeworkers who deliver their Nonmaterial Value through 3 Phase Healing, Thoughtware Upgrade, and Adult and Archetypal Initiatory Processes.
Village-Making is Taking a Stand for an entire morphogenetic field of interaction and creation to upgrade to an Adult (or higher) level Responsibility.
Archiarchy Invention Centers (AICs)
Why are young people with clarity and energy for regenerative change, marching in the streets holding up placards, only to be attacked with pepper spray in the eyes by corporate-sponsored militia, then beaten and dragged away to jail? It is the task of the youth to build humanity's new gameworlds. The future is being created at Archiarchy Invention Centers.
The fundamental difference between AICs and universities is that AICs don't teach you anything. Instead, they require that you invent a new path for human culture on Earth. It is not about fitting in to an already existing culture, but rather to build out and inhabit a not yet existing culture, a culture that is regenerative.
Regenerative culture is very different from a 'green consumption, recycling conscious, sustainable development, electric car culture which aims to optimize shareholder value'. Regenerative culture is Earth centric, not profit centric.
Archiarchy Invention Centers are a 'soft landing' platform for when your worldview crashes against reality and you are ready to take Radical Responsibility for using human potentials and group intelligence to invent a regenerative society based on nonmaterial economics.
How To Build And Weave A Village
How do you manufacture a resilient community that protects, defends and advances the interests of its members?
The answer is one word: Tribe.
I spell the word 'tribe' with a capital 'T' to mean 'a tribe that has consciously built itself', 'a Tribe that knows it is one of the many possible Tribes that any human being can create and be a part of'.
Most indigenous tribes do not teach 'cultural relativity' so the word for 'person' in most indigenous languages means 'the real people' or 'the human beings', and the word for 'foreigner' means 'the edible ones'.
A Tribe (with a capital 'T') lives in the understanding that the construct the Tribe lives in together is 'bullshit'.
'Bullshit' is a technical term that means 'arbitrary', or 'fabricated out of thin air', or 'very relevant but not true'.
When you have experiential certainty that your own Tribe is a gameworld which you intentionally constructed out of a context, distinctions, thoughtware, Codex, Bill of Wrongs, and Rules of Engagement, then you do not have to go around inflexibly defending your Tribe to the death because you believe that IT IS THE ONE TRUE TRIBE that lives in the ONE RIGHT WAY, like happens in child-level religions.
You just made your gameworld up out of nothing! You are proud to say that it IS bullshit!
Taking ownership of your power to build a Tribe out of nothing, anytime, anywhere, with anyone, gives you the possibility to disidentify with, and reinvent, your gameworld whenever that would become necessary or desired.
Your Tribe lives in the experience of the 'death and resurrection show'. You know the Phoenix Process from the inside. Your Tribe holds Evolution at its center. This makes your Tribe bulletproof...
Make Your Website
Yes, you can, for free, in a short time, exactly as you want it...
Build Your Circle
Send out your Newsletter to your Circle as energetic food for their Being.
Your Circle Is Your Tribe
Seth Godin's visionary book guides you to turn a scattering of followers into a loyal tribe.
If you need to rally fellow employees, customers, investors, believers, hobbyists, or readers around an idea, this book will demystify the process.
It's human nature to seek out tribes, be they religious, ethnic, economic, political, or even musical. Now the Internet has eliminated the barriers of geography, cost, and time. Social media gives anyone who wants to make a difference the tools to do so.Time for Tribe Training
This “new” tribe is designed to deepen love and connection in your life. It also creates a safety net to navigate rapidly changing times. This non-residential model (everyone has their own home) will bring you joy and save you years of struggle attempting to learn what we have to share from our own experience.
The Process: You will learn by doing – actually experiencing and practicing the ways of the tribe as you come to know the values, skills and needed structure.
Information: By phone Zoe or Bill at 541-482-2335 or contact us here.
OUR INTENTION: We want every student to “feel” tribe having learned exactly how to build your own. It will include how to find the people, how to invite them and then how to facilitate the “orientation and initiation” training process for bonding the tribe. Each student will learn how to hold the “joy space” of deep intimacy and create beautiful ceremonies to mark the passages into tribe.
- Learn the skills of building long-term personal community (tribe).
- Explore deep trust between men and women in your tribe.
- Enjoy deep presence/intimacy and replicate it.
- Grow your tribe membership in a loving way.
MOST SIGNIFICANT LEARNING: After 7 years of exploring just how to build a tribe, we finally found the key. Each person invited into tribe goes thru a 15 hour training class we call the “tribe orientation and initiation.” It includes tribe values, structure and the essential skills needed to function well in our tribe. These skills include safety between men and women, safe authentic intimacy and conflict resolution. You will learn all this!
Meetings & Decisions
When your meetings sing, your village sings too!
Torus Meeting Technology
Torus Technology meetings liberate both individual and team potential almost 100%.
- The enthusiasm and intelligence of each individual is fully liberated to decide what needs to be done and what you personally want to do about it. Any person can start any kind of NODE they want, join any existing NODE, and leave any NODE at any time.
- There are no targets for authority figure projections or conflicts. Each person is their own authority making their own decisions, contributing their full creativity unhindered by opinions or rules from bosses or managers.
- Since even one person is all it takes to start a NODE, novel approaches and innovative opportunities are swiftly noticed and adopted. Many parallel experiments occur simultaneously and the results are shared at each CONVERGENCE for everyone's benefit.
- Decisions effecting the entire TORUS are made at the NODE level using NODE intelligence. When the NODE'S decisions are proposed at each TORUS CONVERGENCE, resistance from the rest of the TORUS is consulted for its intelligence. Anyone who has unsatisfied resistance to the decision automatically joins the NODE during the next DIVERGENCE to make a better decision. This way, those who are affected by the decision or who have useful knowledge are included in the decision making. As a result, decisions are wiser and more completely adopted by the TORUS.
- Since there are no positions of safety or power in a TORUS, there is no place for a psychopathic personality to gain and hold territory or defend a power position. A one person NODE making decisions for the TORUS gets ridiculous pretty fast.
- During a TORUS CONVERGENCE every suggestion for an action can be adopted immediately by anyone wanting to do it without having to wait for a group consensus. Even if you are the only one who immediately sees the importance or value of a particular action, you can start it without waiting. If others see the value of that action they can join you during the next DIVERGENCE. If nobody joins you, then that's just feedback.
Sociocracy 3.0
Sociocracy 3.0:
- provides a coherent collection of principles based patterns for collaboration, to navigate complexity, adapt and evolve.
- supports people to incrementally process available information into continuous improvement of work processes, products, services and skills.
- helps organizations to make the best use of the talent already present, and to grow flexible organizational structures to align the flow of information and influence to the flow of value.
- provides an organic, iterative approach to change that meets organizations where they are and helps them move forward at their own pace and according to their unique context and needs.
- draws on the collective intelligence of the group.
- facilitates the development of strategies that are “good enough for now” and “safe enough to try”.
- fosters accountability and a sense of engagement.
- is a transformational mechanism for both individuals and the whole organization.
Open Space Technology
Open Space (Technology) is a simple way to run productive meetings, for five to 2000+ people, and a powerful approach to spaceholding in any kind of organization, in everyday practice, and turbulent change.
For many, Open Space has been a daring and marvelous exploration of the vastness and the urgency of personal and organizational transformation. For others, it’s just an exceedingly effective, and efficient, meeting methodology.
Simple Guidelines: https://planeta.com/ost/
Holistic Decision Making
Holistic Decision Making is socially, environmentally, and economically sound in the short, medium and long term. Now that’s a bit of a mouthful, I know. It is also a pretty big call, when you think about it.
Humans are notorious for making decisions based on a short-term social, environmental, or economic outcome that has unintended short, medium, and long term consequences in the other two areas. An all-too-common example is a business that makes decisions towards financial outcomes, or a non-profit that makes decisions towards environmental outcomes, where both do so in a way that burn out the individuals involved (an unintended social consequence). Sooner or later, it is game over, and people give up, exhausted and demoralized.
If we were all making socially, environmentally and economically good decisions that were sound in the short, medium and long term, (even 25% of the time!) the world would be going in a radically different and more beautiful direction than it is right now. Imagine a world filled with groups or organizations that simultaneously strengthened individual and social health and happiness, ecosystem health and diversity, and the local economy, both now and long into the future. This is a world most of us want to live in, and it is precisely what Holistic Management is about empowering. It is nothing if not ambitious, though as we will see, it is also nothing if not practical and not that hard if you can give it just a little time and discipline.
Holistic Decision Making was formulated by Allan Savory, and it all started with his quest to figure out what was behind the world’s rapid and ongoing transformation into desert. After a long and unexpected journey he realized that the only common factor that underlies desertification the world over is human decision making. He then developed Holistic Management as a framework for empowering land managers to make land management decisions that halt and indeed reverse desertification.
You can apply Holistic Decision Making to implement your Team's projects more effectively (...especially if you add in a few distinctions such as Feelings/Emotions, Box Technology, Your Gremlin, Story Worlds, 2 Dramas, 4 Brains, Bright Principles, and Torus Meetings.)
Resistance Decision Making
The intelligence behind what a person does not want is often easier to access than the intelligence behind what a person does want.
This is because we learn to say, "No!" louder than we learn to say, "Yes!"
Resistance Decision Making is a procedure for efficiently using resistance to eliminate multiple options in Teams. It helps a group of geniuses come to satisfyingly agreements.
This is a tool from Torus Technology.
Purple Card
Using good-hearted group intelligence to distinguish between a meeting space and an Emotional Healing Process (EHP) space. Without this distinction being ongoingly held, crucial topics cannot be decided upon because the meeting space will be hijacked by any of the four Ego States that are not Adult or Archetypal (specifically the Child Ego State, Parent Ego State, Gremlin Ego State, or Demon Ego State).
Codex Of Your Culture
Culture is a gameworld. Gameworlds operate according to their written or unwritten Codex. In terms of a nanonation, the Codex includes EVERYTHING: land ownership, relationship to the land base, old people care, young learning how to be in the village from the elders, working outside the village, hold the context, basically say "No" to everything, recognize the offers and wait til they prove their worth to receive something. Welcoming and banishing people (the Guardians). What is work and vacation? What is heart food and soul food? Thoughtware checking, beliefs and religions, semi-permeable membrane, entertainment (TV? YouTube? Porn?), drugs, pets, alcohol, theater, music and dance spaces, Transformation, practice teams e.g. 3Cells, amoebic selection, decision making, property ownership, child raising, schooling...
In school, you learned what to think about.
In transformational trainings you suddenly become aware of the consequences of what you have been unconsciously using to think with.
The insight may be devastating, but the resulting new possibilities gained from thoughtware upgrade can be more than wonderful.
The thing about using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) is that using it produces Standard Human Intelligence...
for president...
Box Technology
You have a Box.
You are not your Box.
Unless... nobody told you that you have a Box...
Then you are probably still living in a Box, eh?
Archiarchy is next culture, the culture naturally emerging around the world now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
Archiarchy is regenerative human cultures centered on authentic adulthood initiatory processes and contexted in Radical Responsibility.
Possibility Management is thoughtware for Archiarchy.
7 Core Skills
Villaging is the verb of enacting new skills. There are many. We suggest that you start with these.
In groups of 3 (one person is the Client, one person is the Villager, and one person is the Coach, coaching the Villager).
Alternate between Pressure Vacuum Learning and Vacuum Rapid Learning. See: https://2rapidlearnings.mystrikingly.com
Your Gremlin
If you do not have your Gremlin sitting beside you in the car, guess who is driving...
We strongly encourage your Team to participate in Expand The Box training to learn about how your Gremlins eat your Village.
Then we strongly recommend doing Gremlin Transformation work together.
Bright Principles
Your Bright Principles are your archetypal forces of clarity and possibility that you call into the spaces you hold and navigate.
Without distilling your Bright Principles, and without consciously choosing to be the space through which your Bright Principles do their work in the world, who are you working for?
Creating the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible begins by distilling and choosing your Bright Principles.
Archetypal Lineage
There are 4 Archetypal Lineage categories:
The Village needs all four intelligences. Which are you? What is your role in the Village? Who are your true allies in your work?
Initiations & Transformation
adolescent, adults, elders... are you distinguishing?
Adulthood is reinventing itself.
Don't get left behind playing in a stupid gameworld.
Authentic Adulthood and Archetypal Initiatory Processes
No one can get initiated for you.
No one can stop you from getting initiated.
What are you going to do about it?
8 Prisons
If you do not recognize you are in prison, why would you bother to try to get out?
This resource may take you on an intense transformational journey into dimensions of yourself you never realized were missing.
What are you waiting for?
Get out of prison now.
School Of Lost Borders
Formal, authentic, transformational eleven-day vision fasting.
One of the true adulthood initiations.
Land & Food
eating cooking gardening together, storage, cleanup, compost, toilets, garbage, recycling, disposables (tampons, toothbrushes, plasticware)
Holistic Land Management
Holistic Management of grasslands results in the the regeneration of soils, increased productivity and biological diversity, as well as economic and social well-being.
The Savory Global Network, comprised of Savory Hubs, Accredited Professionals, and Regenerating Members, advocates, trains, and supports land managers around the world to regenerate land in their own context through Holistic Management.
45 Holistic Land Management hubs around the world and over ten million hectares in Holistic Land Management as of April 2020.
Kokopelli Seed Exchange Association
Biological seeds, free of copyright, reproducible.
In France.
Also on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/kokopelli.semences/
Ecosystem Restoration Communities
Building and supporting Camps and Impact Centers where volunteers and local people can work together to implement ecological restoration strategies is the primary mission of the Ecosystem Restoration Camps Foundation.
Tools & Technology
how will your Village handle the onslaught of games, porn, computer sex, computer gambling, commodities, dating, stock exchange, etc.?
how will you use technology?
Technopenuriaphobia (TPP) Healing
A generation ago we needed to invent the word 'technophobia', which means the fear of the coming technology.
Now we need a new word, 'technopenuriaphobia', which means the fear of the lack of technology. It is that deep fear of what happens when the elevator breaks and you are stuck there, when the car breaks down in the forest, when you your phone stops working, or there is no WiFi connection...
You know the feeling. It is the feeling of no longer being able to live on planet Earth.
Technopenuriaphobia can be healed. No one can heal it for you.
Eat That Weed
Global Village Construction Set
Marcin Jakubowski: Open-sourced blueprints for civilization.
Also see: http://code-collective.cc/marcin-jakubowski-digital-fabrication-tools-open-source/
Finance & Economics
How do we make that everybody does not have to go outside the village to earn money and contaminate our gameworld? Do we own things or do they own us? What are the delights of financial intimacy? What is Archan Economics? What is nonmaterial financial flow? How do we interact and regeneratively trade with other village gameworlds to our mutual benefit?
Sustainable is no longer enough.
'Sustainable' is a childish fantasy world used by corporate and political psychopaths trying to smoke-screen their profit oriented green-washing.
Nothing in modern culture can be sustained without annihilating more life on Earth.
Something very different from 'fake sustainability' is possible right now.
It is the quality of being regenerative.
Nature already knows how to do this.
Humans do not.
Regeneration is a new frontier.
If we do not figure this out now, we won't figure it out ever.
Archiarchy is regenerative.
Archiarchy emerges through an economics of Nonmaterial Value.
Nonmaterial Value
Many of us are engaged in building-out and trying to inhabit experimental regenerative-culture gameworlds, centered on nurturing complex healthy ecosystems on Earth, centered on the evolution of human consciousness, centered on healing each other, centered on Radical Responsibility and Archetypal Love. These are all Nonmaterial Values.
One of the many keys for practical success in Archan Gameworld-Building is to re-evaluate what is being valued. This is a Nonmaterial Value.
Basing a socio-economic system around valuing material stuff - meaning, to value how much of certain kinds of stuff you have (even numbers in a computer is stuff) - is doomed to duplicate exactly what modern culture already produces.
This means Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are material parts of modern culture painted 'gambling green'.
Material stuff is limited, because material space is limited.
In nonmaterial worlds, there is unlimited space for building out new gameworlds centered around creating and exchanging nonmaterial values.
Become Money
If you become money, then, if you have yourself, you always have enough money.
How can you 'become money'?
How can you 'have yourself'?
These are authentic adulthood initiatory processes.
How to shift from working in a 'business' to working in a 'growness' is already known.
It is not that you do not know how to connect with your own inner wishes.
Something else holds you back. What is it?
Gaias - exchanging authentic value
Money seemed like a good idea at first.
But then money misbehaved.
People started collecting money instead of exchanging value.
Fiat currency has no actual value.
It is possible to interact through exchanging authentic value without a medium of exchange.
Along these lines, we introduce the Gaia, a natural value currency.
Archiarchy Kiva Lending Team
Kiva.org is a personal online savings account where you can change someones life by giving them a no-interest loan of as little as $25.
Kiva staff are around the world qualifying borrows from 141 countries.
'Archiarchy Kiva' is a special Kiva lending Team contexted in next culture: Archiarchy, which is the culture that naturally emerges after Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
You can join the Archiarchy Kiva Team, or create a Team of your own at Kiva.org!
You can have your money, and other people can use it whenever you are not. Is this utterly cool? Or what?
Post Growth - the regenerative not-for-profit future
A post growth economy puts life and everything needed to maintain it at the center of economic and social activity as opposed to the never-ending accumulation of money, and the pursuit of growth of all kinds without regard for its consequences.
Also watch this interview of Donnie Maclurcan about Not For Profit Economics (12 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W32y1V_8WvY
Archan Economics
Nonmaterial Value is created without the usual limitations of the material world. The Sources of raw materials for Nonmaterial Value are Unlimited, there are no toxic side-effects from their manufacture, they give more value than money can pay for, and the evolutionary Path has no top end.
Transformation is the most entertaining experience in the Universe.
Nonmaterial Value is not made more valuable when it is scarce, because the value of Nonmaterial Value is its experiential value, not its scarcity.
In short, Nonmaterial Value is not illegal, not immoral, and not fattening. Imagine cultures centered around creation and exchange of Nonmaterial Value, and you are having your first glimpse of Archiarchy.
Archan Law
The Rule Of Law of modern culture is exterminating life on Earth at the fastest possible rate.
Anyone following the Rule Of Law of modern culture is criminally insane.
Anyone enforcing the Rule Of Law of modern culture has already forfeited their life.
Archiarchy implements an entirely different Rule Of Law, the Law of Radical Responsibility centered on Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processess. This is the law of Guardianship and Stewardship.
Anything not Regenerative is illegal in Archiarchy, which adopts a Bill Of Wrongs rather than a Bill Of Rights.
Archiarchy implements Universal Jurisdiction, Citizen Arrests, Emotional Healing Processes, Torus Meeting Technology, etc.
Archan Law is a Specialty in Possibilitator Training.
It is time. There is a new future. This is the way.
Building & Village Design
Education & Children's Culture
Archiarchy Invention Centers
If you attend a university and receive a B.S., M.S., or even Ph.D. degree, what have you done? You have learned to duplicate what is already proven to exterminate life on Earth 100 times faster than when the Chicxulub asteroid crashed into the Yucutan sixty-six-million years ago.
Even if you are accepted by an Ivy League 'secret society' to join the bank-controlled ranks of both George Bushes and David Cameron, your success merely promotes the outdated Capitalist Patriarchal Empire use of Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.)
What other options have you? Try to become a billionaire through BitCoin and trading? Have you met any of these people? Do they engage in anything more than alcohol, gambling, or sex?
Something completely different from this is possible right now.
One of its doorways is an Archiarchy Invention Center.
The fundamental difference between AICs and universities is that AICs don't teach you anything. Instead, they require that you invent a new path for human culture on Earth. It is not about fitting in to an already existing culture, but rather to build out and inhabit a not yet existing culture, a culture that is regenerative. If this is for you, please go to the website and reach out to us. Thank you.
Single Moms Bridge House
We are. Women. Mothers. Humans. Children. Exploring the edges of motherhood and what it means to be a space holder for children with Gaia.
So far we have discovered our identities are blurred with the many hats we wear in modern culture. As a mother you have to be; the nurse, the cleaner, the manager, the stabiliser, the compensator, the protector, the cook, the driver, the calendar, the logistics manager. As a woman you have to be; the strong one, the weaker one, the sensual one, the practical one, the object, attractive but not too attractive. This list goes on.
It’s insane. To be a woman is to be the impossible. This is infuriating. Gaia is calling us to create something new, to rediscover our identity as women and include our children in this journey. Can you hear this calling too?
Living in individual boxes, doing it alone and sometimes popping out for connection is no longer enough, it never was and now it is time to do something about it.
Our first destination is Cape Verdi and it will last 28 days - for the whole month of February!
Quit School
Every day longer you force your children to stay in school is one day less they have to prepare themselves for what is coming.
They know what is coming.
Heal From School
You carry so many scars, burdens, handicaps, and old decisions about yourself, others, and the world which you formulated in the distorted hierarchical conditions of school.
You have a different potential and a different future from that.
Heal From School is a huge step out of the swamp and towards your true Path.
Fridays For Future
For four decades our politicians have offered only words...
Now we are on the brink of civilization's survival.
The WHO is calling a Climate Human Rights Emergency!
Nice to hear the honesty, but more than words are needed!Extinction Rebellion
We are rebelling against extinction.
Aliens have come. They burn the Brazilian Rain Forests, melt the glaciers, poison our fields, put more plastic in the oceans than plankton, threaten us with nuclear war... how far will you let them go before you take action against them?
Some of us have reached our limit. How numb are you?
Women's & Men's Cultures
navigating ordinary, extraordinary, and archetypal spaces, negotiating 5 Body intimacies, love, friendship and sexuality in life beyond matriarchy and patriarchy
Negotiate 5 Body Intimacy
There are 5 kinds of offers, and 5 kinds of control.
If you don't distinguish them you cannot navigate them.
It's like the Titanic not noticing the iceberg...
Patriarchy - if you have not escaped it you are still sourcing it
If you have not escaped it, you are still creating it everywhere in your life.
The way out of patriarchy is the way into archiarchy.
It is not too late.
Man Making - men in the patriarchy do not have to grow up. So what are they then?
When baby boys are born they must choose between joining the patriarchy and sacrificing themselves for all their life, or dying. Many choose to die - it is called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Patriarchal Doctors cannot explain why it happens...
It is easier for a woman to depart the patriarchy (when she stops training her daughter to be a sex slave to the men...) than for the men.
A man needs to start over from nothing. This is what authentic adulthood initiatory processes are for: starting over from nothing to be able to create, enter, and navigate adult and archetypal domains. Few men, so far, have done this.
This is bad for the women if you are looking to interact with an adult man. It means you basically need to find a decent piece of meat (nonsmoking, nondrinking, non-psychopath, non-religious) and make your own. There are perhaps some tools here that might prove useful.
Woman Making - a next culture art form
You in modern culture who wear a male body... You are not initiated. There is no place in you where an understanding about Woman could land. Even less of a place to understand about the potential of Man.
First, you need to die. All that you think of as yourself and as a way to live is so contaminated and twisted that it must die to make space for something else.
You have been trained to deceive yourself. The best that the patriarchal hierarchies can teach you is to sneakily avoid responsibility and to try to dominate others with irresponsibility.
The amount of potential squandered in your upbringing is too painful to list. You probably won't make it to next culture.
Good luck.
Mother Graduation Ceremony
If your child is over 18 years old and you still think of yourself as 'mom', something is amiss.
There is a life-changing growing-up process you can do to complete and exit your role as 'mother' and start over in your life. It is called 'Mother Graduation'.
No one can do it for you.
No one can stop you from doing it.
what are we celebrating, harvest, seasons, initiations, births, deaths, art, clothes as woven art as their next initiatory step respectful of their initiations,
Sorry, we can't find much info on next culture celebrations...
Can you refer us to something useful?Thank you.
Fest 300
Festivals are Temporary Autonomous Zones (TAZ).
Temporary Autonomous Zones are nanonations that come and go over time... like all gameworlds actually.
Festivals are spaces for Immediatism. So is the rest of your life. When can you learn this, except by trying it out?
Festivals are spaces for being Present.
Electricity & Power:
heating, transportation, kitchen appliances
regenerative infrastructure
Rocket Powered Baking Oven
Complete instructions for how to build an ultra-efficient twig-burning rocket-powered baking oven.
E-Book costs 9$Australian.
Solar Cooking
Passive Solar Heating
Earth Warming
Earth Cooling
Solar Electricity
Health & Well-Being
insurance, medicines, treatments, births, deaths
Archiarchy Artabana Health Expansion Cooperative
Artabana is a health cooperative originating in Germany.
Their website is only in German, so get your google translator up-and-running.
The Artabana gameworld is amazingly effective, and wonderful to be a part of.
The Artabana gameworld design can be copied anywhere in the world.
Figure it out.
Copy it.
Add the Artabana gameworld to your nanonation codex.
Archiarchy Artabana are the Artabana health cooperatives that are contexted in Archiarchy thoughtware, tools, distinctions, adulthood initiatory and healing processes.
Feelings Practitioner - 5 Body Health and Healing
The Feelings Practitioner Program adresses individuals who are searching for new dimensions of healing.
Clients benefit from extraordinary Feelings Practitioner healing spaces where they can relate to their symptoms in totally new ways.
Therapists and other medical professionals receive innovative tools, techniques and practices through our Feelings Practitioner Trainings, also called Labs. They bring additional depth, individuality and efficiency to their work.
3 Phase Healing
3 PHASE Healing removes you from the illness rather than trying to remove the illness from you.
Whole Village Concepts
Climate Adaptation by Arkbound Foundation for COP26
- A People's History of the United States: 1492-present by Howard Zinn
- Designing Regenerative Cultures by Daniel Christian Wahl
- High Noon: 20 global problems and 20 years to solve them (2004) by J.F. Rischard
- Power & Sex: a book about women by Scilla Elworthy
- Making Terrorism History: 20 ways to understand and overcome divisions in our society by Scilla Elworthy
- The Business Plan For Peace: building a world without war by Scilla Elworthy
- Pioneering The Possible: awakened leadership for a world that works by Scilla Elworthy
- T.A.Z. Temporary Autonomous Zone by Hakim Bey
- Retrosuburbia: the downshifter's guide to a resilient future by David Holmgren
- Plan B 4.0: mobilizing to save civilization by Lester Brown
- Occupy World Street: a global roadmap for radical economic and political reform by Ross Jackson
- Directing the Power of Conscious Feelings by Clinton Callahan
- Building Love That Lasts by Clinton Callahan
- Cultural Emergence by Looby MacNamara
- End-Civ by Derrick Jensen
- Planet of the Humans by Michael Moore
- Possibility Films
- Making Permaculture Stronger - a conversation in a network https://makingpermaculturestronger.net
WORKING VILLAGES TO VISIT (e.g. Summer Programs, Visitor Days)
NOTE: for a complete listing, please visit http://ecovillage.org
- Zegg: http://zegg.org
- Tempelhof: https://www.schloss-tempelhof.de/
- Lenzwald: http://pulsdererde.org
- Schloss Glarisegg: https://schloss-glarisegg.ch/
- Sieben Linden: https://siebenlinden.org/en/start-2/
- Gemeinschaft Niederkaugungen: https://www.kommune-niederkaufungen.de/
- Findhorn: https://www.findhorn.org/
- Tamera: http://tamera.org
- The Tennessee Farm: http://www.thefarm.org/
Possibilitator Training
The purpose of Possibilitator Training is to heal and empower each other enough to build out and occupy the infrastructure of next culture - archiarchy - the regenerative cultures that are emerging now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
This Path is rich with challenges, deep dives into yourself, authentic connections with highly motivated Team players, learning so many things you never knew you did not know about.
You will be Upgrading Human Thoughtware starting with your own, delivering Processes for others both on this Path and in life, and building bridges to archiarchy - 'next culture' - by bringing to life your own Gaian Gameworlds.
Possibility Management Thoughtware Upgrades
The Global Commons is an online community created by Pachamama Alliance for anyone committed to bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet.
Bright Future Now
Robert Gilman, one of the co-founders of the Global Ecovillage Network, is providing superb support for the shift to next culture through his Stepping Stones Videos and the Bright Future Now program.
Archan Permaculture
Inner Permaculture + Outer Permaculture = Archan Permaculture
Deep Green Resistance Implements Decisive Ecologlical Warfare (DEW)
Life... is bold.
Are you?
Modern culture is waging war against nature.
What strategy matches the scope of the problem?
The world is at stake.
How do you fight off an occupying force?
When will you take action to implement Decisive Ecological Warfare (DEW) Strategy?
Listen intently to this Podcast: HERE
The natural world is the source of all life and it is being systemmatically eradicated by the 'dominant' human culture.
The needs of human economy cannot be opposed to the needs of the natural world.
If aliens were waging war against nature, how far would you let them go before you acted against them to defend the Earth?
The planet needs you. You can join the struggle on the side of the living.
The Green Flame
Human overshoot is temporarily hidden by burning fossil fuels.
The gruesome clarity about choosing to collapse industrial civilization on purpose or let it grind the planet lifeless dust.
Where is your loyalty? To life on Earth? Or to support the dominant culture?
Your actions don't lie.
Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.
They cannot hang all 300 million of us.
S.P.A.R.K. stands for Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge.
S.P.A.R.K.s are maps for new ways of thinking about things that you may never have considered thinking differently about before.
Each new distinction gives you a chance to experiment with changing your mind.
StartOver.xyz is the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game.
Every Experiment you actually do, changes the way you think and gives you options to choose from that you did not have before.
These new options allow you to take back your Authority. Suddenly the entire world works differently for you.
And you thought it was a game...
SpacePort - a StartOver.xyz launch pad
SpacePort is an alphabetical listing of the more than 450 interconnected websites of the StartOver.xyz gameworld.
Our intention is to earn together 1,000,000 Matrix Points to upgrade human thoughtware and change the morphogenetic field of the human race.
After each Experiment please upload your Matrix Codes to your free account at StartOver.xyz.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code VILLAGES.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!